Hay, debajo de la superficie de tu existencia de partículas, energías que te conectan a todos los formatos de existencia. Tú eres una vasta colección de estas energías, pero no puedes fluir a través de tu instrumento humano como una energía orquestada hasta que las partículas de tu existencia estén alineadas y fluyan en la dirección de la unidad y la integridad. Capítulo 7
Chamber Ten: Particle Alignment
There are, below the surface of your particle existence, energies that connect you to all formats of existence. You are a vast collection of these energies, but they cannot flow through your human instrument as an orchestrated energy until the particles of your existence are aligned and flowing in the direction of unity and wholeness.
Chamber Ten: Particle Alignment
There are, below the surface of your particle existence, energies that connect you to all formats of existence. You are a vast collection of these energies, but they cannot flow through your human instrument as an orchestrated energy until the particles of your existence are aligned and flowing in the direction of unity and wholeness.